Shipping + Returns
We typically process orders within 3 business days (excluding holidays) and an additional 5-7 business days to arrive.
You will get a tracking number with your shipment confirmation email.
We utilize all major shipping carriers, alternating between USPS, UPS, or FedEx Home Delivery.
However, our decision is dependent on the service that provides the fastest shipping to your address.
A tracking number will be given once your order has been fulfilled, giving confirmation to which provider has been utilized.
Currently, we only ship within the U.S. and Canada
We always aim for make sure our customers love our products, but if you do need to return an order, we’re happy to help!
Simply email us at and we will take you through the process.
All returns must be made within 7 days of receipt of merchandise, unused, and in its original condition.
Changes can be made prior to your items being shipped out. In order to avoid additional costs, send us a email us athello@shopsincerelysunday.coand let us know the changes you woud like to make.
In the unlikely event that the product arrives damaged or broken, snap a photo with your phone and email the image to with your name and a brief message, and we will ship a replacement or issue a refund within a few days.
Something on your mind?
Let us know. We'd love to hear from you!
You can also reach us directly by emailing: